Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Many thanks...

To those of you who may not have heard. Our precious mom passed away on July 15th, two weeks ago. The cancer did not take her, she suffered another stroke. We also think she had a heart attack the night before she died and also the morning of her passing. Our family did not expect her passing so soon but feel she is in a much better place now where there is no more suffering. We miss her so much... In closing out this blog, we want all who contributed in anyway to our moms fight to know how much it has meant to our family that so many cared about our mom and for our family. We are forever greatful,
Joe, Amy, Alisa, April, Heather and all of her grandchildren


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Update on mom

Thank you to all who have supported our family with kind words, thoughts, prayers, and donations. We cannot express how much this has meant to our family.
Mom has gone through her first treatment...everything went very well for her!! She will continue to follow a strict diet and treatment plan. She is scheduled to have the second treatment in August. We are very encouraged by the treatment and remain positive about that. Unfortunately yesterday mom experienced another health scare...she woke to a paralyzed left side and was taken immediatly to the hospital. After running some tests they discovered she had a stroke...a result of a blood clot in her brain that had traveled there from her heart. By the end of the day she had mobility back to most of her left side, with the exception of her mouth. So she was given a feeding tube last night. Today, she had some more testing done which reveiled that she will have to have a few weeks of physical therapy to learn how to swallow again. The doctors are impressed with her quick recovery and good spirits!! We continue to ask for any support in which we are so greatful for...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mom's Story

Our mom was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer that has spread to her liver and lungs. On top of all of this, the aortic valve of her heart is damaged as well. With a grim prognosis (2 years at best), no great options from the doctors, and a great possibility that her heart may not tolerate traditional treatments; our mom has opted for alternative treatments. This decision has really given us all hope, especially after witnessing great success from a dear friend and learning of many others. Unfortunately, insurance does not cover this type of treatment and time is of the essence. Our plan is to start treatments within the next week. We are asking first of all for your prayers, love and support and secondly, donations to help with the financial burden. We would greatly appreciate any contributions and have provided a few options for your convenience.